Getting Started

Package Structure

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The pycentral package is a directory containing files and subdirectories. Contained directly within the top level pycentral directory are informative files such as the readme, licensing information, contribution guidelines, and release notes. Also contained within the pycentral package are the subdirectories relevant to the developer, pycentral and workflows.


The pycentral subfolder contains the Aruba Central Python modules. Each module contains multiple Python classes. Each Class is a representation of some of the Aruba Central’s API Reference category. Each class has its own function definitions that are used to make a single REST API call. The REST API calls are performed using the Python requests library, which provides functions to make HTTP GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests as supported by Aruba Central API Gateway.

In addition to some function definitions for API endpoints listed in API Reference page, there is also a file named containing function ArubaCentralBase.command(). This function can make any REST API call using the API endpoint URL, HTTP Method, HTTP query params and HTTP payload as required by an API endpoint.


workflows folder contains scripts that combine multiple REST API calls based on function definitions in the pycentral modules to achieve a network automation use-case involving multiple steps or repetitive actions that has to be done in scale. Each script contains comments that describe step-by-step the operations being performed.

Check out the central-python-workflows repository for workflows that utilize the Pycentral library. Some of the workflows are -

  1. Device Provisioning

  2. Device Onboarding

  3. MSP Customer Onboarding

  4. Inventory to Excel Workflows

  5. WLAN Workflows

Executing scripts

Refer Aruba’s Developer Hub for the sample scripts written using pycentral modules and pycentral.workflows workflows.


For more information about Aruba Central and REST APIs visit Aruba Central’s page in Aruba Developer Hub.